How to Clear Bandit Camps in Fortnite?

How to Clear Bandit Camps in Fortnite?

How to Clear Bandit Camps in Fortnite?

How to Clear Bandit Camps in Fortnite?


Fortnite is a popular online multiplayer game that has gained a massive following worldwide. One of the challenges in the game is clearing bandit camps, which can be a daunting task for many players. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to clear bandit camps in Fortnite, including tips and tricks for both beginners and experienced players.

Finding Bandit Camps

Bandit camps are usually located in ruined or unfinished buildings with campfires in any of the three biomes - Dry Valley, Grasslands, and Frostlands. To increase your chances of finding a bandit camp, we recommend exploring the Dry Valley biome or the edge between the Dry Valley and Grassland biome, as most bandit camps spawn around these regions.

Preparing for Battle

Before approaching a bandit camp, it's essential to prepare for battle. You can clear bandit camps in Fortnite with a Rare weapon or higher rarity, such as a Rare Longsword or Epic Recurve Crossbow. Rare and Epic weapons deal more damage to ensure you kill a bandit with two or three blows.

Additionally, it's crucial to have a villager with you when clearing bandit camps, as they can help attack and defeat the bandits. Bandits use Recurve Crossbows to attack players, so be cautious of flying arrows as you approach the camp. Eat enough food while cleaning the camp to quickly recover from the bandit attacks.

Clearing Bandit Camps

When approaching a bandit camp, it's essential to take time to scout the area and scan enemy paths. It may take long, but it will help a ton. If you're using stealth, stock up on rocks! They're all over the game for this very reason.

If you break stealth, use Smoke Bombs to escape and regroup. Strikethrough Precision Arrows to the head can deal with those annoying helmets, and fully upgrading your Stealth Stalker Valor Surge can help you stay hidden for longer. For end game, think about investing in Utaru Winterweave Armor.

If you're not using stealth, consider using a Recurve Crossbow to take them out from a distance. Alternatively, you can take them down one by one by dodging attacks and running. In this case, consider using a Recurve Crossbow to take them out from a distance. Alternatively, you can take them down one by one by dodging attacks and running.

After Clearing Bandit Camps

After clearing a bandit camp, click the search button to open the Gold Chest and loot any valuable reward. Note that Gold Chests are locked, and you may have to search them twice to override the lock.

Bandit camps usually contain Gold Chests, which store valuable materials and resources. Some of the resources you can find in a bandit camp gold chest include: Power Cells, Copper Bars, Glass Planks, Wolf Claws, Granite, Marble, Sand Shells, Food items like Wheat Seeds, Slurp Berries, Bread, and Spicy Burgers.

To find bandit camps in Fortnite, you can follow these tips:

1. Explore the Dry Valley biome or the border area between the Dry Valley and Grassland biomes, as bandit camps most often appear in these zones.

2. Keep an eye out for abandoned buildings with bonfires in the Dry Valley, Meadows, or Frostlands biomes. These hidden gems may be home to gangs of bandits.

3. Bandits operate in groups and often ambush players approaching their hideouts or camps. Be prepared for their attack and attack them accordingly.

4. Bandits usually operate in groups, so when faced with their camp, be prepared for them to use swarming tactics to overpower you. You can try using a recurve crossbow to take them out from afar or dodge their attacks and take them out individually.

5. When clearing out bandit camps, it is advisable to take a resident with you. They can help in attacking and suppressing bandits.

6. Watch out for bandits armed with recurve crossbows, as they can shoot at you from afar.

7. After defeating the bandits, press the "search" key to unlock and loot the treasure in the nearby Golden Chest. Keep in mind that these chests are protected, so you may have to try opening them again to access their contents.

In summary, finding bandit camps in Fortnite requires exploration and preparation. By keeping an eye out for abandoned buildings with bonfires and being prepared for bandit attacks, you can clear out bandit camps and loot valuable treasures.


Clearing bandit camps in Fortnite can be challenging, but with the right preparation and strategy, it's possible to defeat them and loot valuable rewards. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success and become a more skilled player in Fortnite.

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